Sunday, February 1, 2009


My post on Friday alluded to our dinner Friday night, Tempeh au Vin. Well, the outcome was excellent. Granted I can't compare it to Coq a Vin since I doubt I've ever had it (although The Pedant can address it; his comments about the time he had it in France always include the words "so tasty," "really great," "amazing") but this was good. I mean, how could it not be?! The recipe was pretty simple:

Saute 3 leeks and 2 onions chunked in some EVOO. Let them get brown and delicious looking. Add in 1 lb. mushrooms halved, let them get tasty looking. Add in carrot slices, some flour, 4 smokey tempeh strips (we used Light Life Bacon which didn't add as much as it could have - next time we may just use liquid smoke) and 8 oz cubed tempeh. Then pour in some water and a bottle of beaujolais (good thing we can get some for under $10 at costco!) and let it cook for a while getting yummy. The recipe calls for spelt berries (since it's a hippie mag) but we substituted egg noodles. It was just wonderful. Also, I felt justified using our (expensive, but worth it) french oven.

Yet another winner from the Vegetarian Times!

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