Monday, June 13, 2011


The Pedant (while cooking breakfast): Oh, did you want to take a picture of it?
Sherbs: Oh, right.

(Taken with iPhone)

This is basically about 1/2 of the cooking we did all weekend, which is unlike us.

Friday night, we ended up ordering in Chinese food, which we haven't done in ages. It was warm out, we had little food to cook and we were really happy watching TV.

Saturday, we ended up eating at Subway for lunch and then had dinner with friends at Not Your Average Joe's. Dinner was good. Nothing fancy, and well priced. The portions were also really reasonable, which is sometimes hard to find in chain restaurants (where they overcharge you for HUGE portions...Cheesecake Factory, I'm looking at you...)

Sunday, we made this for breakfast. It was a fun creation:
  • Leftover rice from Chinese food
  • 1/2 a can of black beans
  • Salsa
  • 1 egg
  • Taco seasoning
TP did most of the cooking and I took this token picture.

We ended up having Costco pizza for lunch. Which was tasty. Tasty, tasty, tasty.

I did cook for dinner (but 100% forgot picture...will work harder). We had gotten greens from our CSA so I improved on a Cook's Illustrated recipe for Assertive Greens with Kielbasa. We used soy chorizo instead of the kielbasa. Quite tasty. Paired with roasted mini peppers and a low fat cherry muffin (random, but...) that TP's sister made up the recipe for, it was great.

The best part of dinner: caramel sea salt dark chocolate from Trader Joe's. Mmmm...

Tonight's plan is sushi. I was supposed to go out with friends and that feel through, so TP and I will go out together instead. We've eat out a lot lately (we usually just eat out 1-2x per week, not 4+ times), but things change.

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