Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why Isn't It Here?

When I was a denizen of The City, I used to go to a Yemeni place run by Israelis called Rectangles. It had lots of tasty food, including malawach, which Jewish websites have recipes for.
Malawach, for the uninitiated, is a multilayered fried bread that is horrible for you in terms of fat, but is oh so tasty. It's served with stuff on top, like a focaccia, and a little dish of chopped tomatoes and zhug (I've heard it pronounced sort of like "z-hoog," but with more European-unpronounceable glottals) on the side.

Rectangles closed before I left law school, and I was very sad. But, as I search the blogs, it turns out that food blogger The Amateur Gourmet has found a new place for malawach, with pictures! It's an Israeli restaurant called Miriam, and it's in Park Slope, which is a little far for me to go for food that's not Peter Luger's (yes, I am one for whom the Island is my whole existence, like Ewan McGregor).

I am now hungry for malawach something crazy. I don't know where I can get it in DC.


Diana said...

Maybe call Pita Plus in College Park

Tucson or Bust said...

Rectangles actually moved uptown; I've eaten at their new location on First Ave. near 73rd St. a few times.