Monday, October 8, 2007

More on Netflix

I also am in love with Netflix. Yesterday, while The Pedant was out at some boring (TP would interject, "NO! Not Boring! Just boring for others!") brunchy thing, I was left to assemble 4 Ikea Chairs, a Crate and Barrel Outlet Bookcase and assorted other things and watch 4 episodes of The Gilmore Girls from Netflix. It was a good time had by all. See, the beauty of Netflix is that I am not committed to a series at a time. I started my GG Fun Fest (TM) from the library where I would wait (impatiently, I may add) for the season to be available at the library and then get 22 episodes to watch in a week (3 if I was able to renew). Now that's a lot of mother-daughter fast talking. Netflix is brilliant in that it allows me only one disc at a time therefore I am not committed to start getting all the story lines confused. Hooray!

In other news, I adore Trader Joe's Fake Meatballs. They made a fantastic dinner last night and will be an even more fantastic lunch today! Yay!

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