Tuesday, May 1, 2007


A List:

1) Sorry for the lack of postings. Jobs take precedent, sometimes...

2) Yesterday I expected to blog about the ohmygodsoamazing Korean food and the ohmygodsoamazing chocolate The Pedant and I had Saturday, but my hard drive at work crashed and I was working from a different computer scanning books

3) The food was so good at the Korean restaurant. And totally vegetarian!

4) The chocolate was so good it, similar to Stoner's chocolate cake, may spawn marriage proposals

5) My grandfather wants me to pick my nose more...

6) Stay tuned - later I will post about the delicious food I had this weekend, excluding the Korean dinner and chocolate, because words can't express that.

7) And, Stoner is amazing! She got me the COOKIE PRESS!!! Stay tuned for pressed cookie updates...


EMN said...

I thought the chocolate DID spawn a marriage proposal!

Sherbs said...

Hah! You figured it out!