Monday, March 19, 2007

Holy Cows!

It is known that I like Indian food. So this Saturday instead of drinking beer and eating bland Irish food, I had an Indian food extravaganza!

The night started with a loooong line to see a fantastic movie based on a fantastic book. It was very good, and although my supervisor at work didn't love it, I enjoyed it thoroughly. So good! In preparation for the night, C-Berts , Her Wife and I decided that we'd want to enjoy a feast of Indian food post a movie about Indian cultural identity. Boy, were we right. There was a part during the movie where they were frying samosas and my mouth watered. So C-Berts recommended a tasty spot, and we dined on delicious food. We did have samosas and other goodies. I ate roasted eggplant with onions and peas and it was quite tasty. Mmm....

I don't know why I adore Indian food food as the "ethnic" food of choice. (Granted, we ate Italian as well, until of course the Atkins fad hit my dad.) But I think because I am a so much. I grew up (like so many Jews) eating Chinesevegetarian I enjoy Indian food so much now--so many options! Not just a "pasta and cream sauce [probably made from chicken stock] and a few frozen veggies" but REAL OPTIONS. Hooray! And it's spicy. Mmmmm...

And now for something completely different...

A few months ago I bought white corduroy pants. I am not trendy, don't purport to be trendy, or care about trends even remotely. However, they were on super sale and fit well, so I bought them. I'm wearing said pants, and now feel like a sailor.

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